Friday, December 14, 2007

Maybe I was wrong...

OK, so maybe I don't completely suck at mountain biking. The weather was crappy last weekend so I went out in the back yard and built a drop on the hillside. It's about 40 inches at the lip, and maybe 4 feet or a little more down to the landing zone. Definitely bigger than anything I've dropped off before.

On Sunday my friend Andy drove up from Albuquerque and we raked in a trail leading up to the drop, and cleaned up the landing zone. Then, there was nothing to do but hit it. I ran up on it a couple times and bailed off to the side. Then I just decided I HAD to do it. I knew deep inside that I had the skills, that my body would know what to do if I could just convince my brain. So I just got some speed up and shot off it! Yeah, it was scary, but mostly fun. The main thing is that I didn't crash.


Tim Wise said...

Nice Robert. I would like to come out and ride the freeride park sometime and maybe have a soak afterwards. What do I get for making the first comment on the
2nd post? Ohh yeaa and I didn't lower myself to post a comment on your mtbr thread. :)

Jim Beam said...

Hey Tim!
To ride, you must help build! I want to build a teeter next but I'm going to need some LONG timbers. Kind of wet and muddy down there right now.

mugwumpqueen said...

Nice lean back,I' ll bring out some wood,fasteners and tools . You'll have to do a face plant in trade.

Matt said...

OK...I'm late for the party. Cool park thing you got going on there...