Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Went for a little ride......

I was short on time, so it would have to be a small ride. Just a little way down the trail and back.

Cruising along, I noticed the wildlife was out everywhere, enjoying the fine spring weather. Horned toads are common in the southwest - I saw this little guy and he was cool enough to pose on my thumb!

Down the trail a little farther, and I saw another critter, not sure what it was. A baby skunk? Badger? Venomous duck? Not to worry, it seemed pretty harmless.

Reached the turnaround point and stopped to munch some trail mix. What's this? A mouse? And he's hungry! I shared a sunflower seed with him.

This was getting a little weird. Oh well, gotta finish this ride. I picked up the pace a bit, then slammed on the brakes when I spotted another critter. I didn't think anything like this lived around here...

I was starting to get a wee bit creeped out. But the ride was over. Next time I'll have to do a BIG ride.

Thanks for looking.


cdaddy said...

You really need to by a digital camera.

Jim Beam said...

You really need to learn to spell. And to get a life.

Joe Dirt said...

You should consider using sunscreen. Your thumb looks burnt by that last pic